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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Deep Dinle!
Extending far below the surface; of great perpendicular dimension (measured from the surface downward, and distinguished from high, which is measured upward); far to the bottom; having a certain depth; as, a deep sea.
Deep Dinle!
Extending far back from the front or outer part; of great horizontal dimension (measured backward from the front or nearer part, mouth, etc.); as, a deep cave or recess or wound; a gallery ten seats deep; a company of soldiers six files deep.
Deep Dinle!
Low in situation; lying far below the general surface; as, a deep valley.
Deep Dinle!
Hard to penetrate or comprehend; profound; -- opposed to shallow or superficial; intricate; mysterious; not obvious; obscure; as, a deep subject or plot.
Deep Dinle!
Of penetrating or far-reaching intellect; not superficial; thoroughly skilled; sagacious; cunning.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Breast-deep Deep as from the breast to the feet; as high as the breast. a.
Skin-deep Dinle!
Not deeper than the skin; hence, superficial.
Deep-fet Deeply fetched or drawn. a.
Deep-laid Laid deeply; formed with cunning and sagacity; as, deep-laid plans. a.
Deep-mouthed Having a loud and sonorous voice. a.
Deep-read Profoundly book- learned. a.
Deep-sea Dinle!
Of or pertaining to the deeper parts of the sea; as, a deep-sea line (i. e., a line to take soundings at a great depth); deep-sea lead; deep-sea soundings, explorations, etc.
Deep-waisted Having a deep waist, as when, in a ship, the poop and forecastle are much elevated above the deck. a.
Knee-deep Dinle!
Rising to the knees; knee-high; as, water or snow knee-deep.
Knee-deep Dinle!
Sunk to the knees; as, men knee-deep in water.