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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
1. Wonderful!/Magnificent!/Just look at that!
2. May God preserve him/her from evil!
3. Wonders never cease! (said to indicate surprise).
4. amulet bearing the inscription Maşallah in Arabic characters (pinned to children to ward off the evil eye).

__ı var. /ın/ colloq., used to show admiration: Oğlunuzun maşallahı var. What a fine lad your son is! Arabasının maşallahı var. His car is really dandy!
maşallah * Wonderful!/Magnificent!/Just look at that! * May God preserve him/her from evil! * Wonders never cease! [(said to indicate surprise).] * amulet bearing the inscription {Maşallah} in Arabic characters (pinned to children to ward off the evil eye).
maşallah that's the goods, hullo interj.

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
  • {INTRJ} goods: that's the goods!, hullo!
Kırk bir buçuk maşallah! Kırk bir buçuk maşallah!/Kırk bir kere maşallah! konuşma dili * May no harm befall him/her/it!
Kırk bir kere maşallah! Kırk bir buçuk maşallah!/Kırk bir kere maşallah! konuşma dili * May no harm befall him/her/it!