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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {N} open space, square, arena, agora, common, esplanade, maidan, piazza
1. (a) wide, flat, open, outside area; open space; (public) square.
2. arena; ring.
3. (landing) field.
4. Sufism the universe.
5. section of a Bektashi or Mevlevi lodge in which the dervishes perform the religious ceremonies.
6. opportunity, occasion; possibility.

1. obvious, evident, clear.
2. in sight, within view, around.

meydan almak to spread, increase, advance.

meydan aramak to look for an opportunity.

meydana atılmak
1. to be brought up, be suggested, be broached.
2. to leap into action.

meydana atmak /ı/ to suggest, bring up, broach.

meydan bırakmak /a/
1. to give (someone) a chance (to do something): Konuşmama meydan bırakmadı. He didn´t give me a chance to speak.
2. to allow (something to happen): O toplantının yapılmasına meydan bırakmayacağız. We won´t let that meeting take place.

meydanda bırakmak /ı/
1. to leave (someone) homeless or without shelter.
2. to leave (something) out in the open, leave (something) out where anybody can see it.

meydanı boş bulmak to find an opportunity to do something (when there is no one or nothing to prevent one´s doing it).

meydan bulamamak /a/ not to find a chance (to do something).

meydan bulmak to find an opportunity.

meydana çıkarmak /ı/
1. to bring (something) to light; to expose (something) to view.
2. to present (something) to the public; to make (something) public, reveal.
3. to bring (a child) to the point where he can look after his simplest needs.

meydana çıkmak
1. to be revealed, come to light; to become evident.
2. (for someone) to be seen (in public); to get around and about.
3. (for a child) to reach an age at which he can look after his simplest needs.

meydan dayağı a public beating (given as an official punishment).

meydan dayağı çekmek /a/ to give (an offender) a beating.

meydana dökmek /ı/ to make (something) public, reveal.

meydana düşmek
1. to mix with the crowd, go out in public.
2. to volunteer one´s services.
3. to become a prostitute.

meydana gelmek to come into existence, become a reality; to happen, occur.

meydana getirmek /ı/
1. to bring forth, produce, do.
2. to be the cause of (something).

meydanda kalmak to be left jobless or homeless, be in a bad way, Brit. be in Queer Street.

meydan korkusu psych. agoraphobia.

meydana koymak /ı/
1. to produce, create.
2. to set forth, present.
3. to reveal.

meydan okumak /a/ to challenge, defy.

meydan savaşı/muharebesi mil. major battle, decisive battle.

meydan vermek /a/
1. to give (someone) a chance (to do something): Onların kaçmasına meydan verme! Don´t give them a chance to run away!
2. to allow (something to happen): O binanın yıktırılmasına meydan vermemeliyiz. We ought not to allow that building to be torn down.

meydana vurmak /ı/ to reveal (something) clearly.
meydan * (a) wide, flat, open, outside area; open space; (public) square. * arena; ring. * (landing) field. * section of a Bektashi/Mevlevi lodge in which the dervishes perform the religious ceremonies. * opportunity, occasion; possibility.
meydan circus
meydan clearing

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
kuşkuya meydan vermek
  • {V} admit of doubt
meydan kavgası
  • {N} free fight, dogfight, free-for-all, melee
meydan okuma
  • {N} challenge, defiance, bravado
meydan okumak
  • {ID} chip: have a chip an one's shoulder, gage: throw down the gage to smb., fling down the gauntlet, glove: fling down the glove, glove: throw down the glove
  • {V} challenge, defy, dare, beard, brave, outface, stump, tempt
meydan okumaya karşılık vermek
  • {ID} glove: pick up the glove, glove: take up the glove
  • {V} dare: take a dare
meydan okunabilir
  • {A} challengeable
meydan okuyan
  • {A} defiant
  • {N} defier
meydan okuyucu
  • {N} challenger
meydan veren
  • {SUFF} -facient
meydan vermek
  • {V} let, cause, allow of, admit, admit of
meydan savaşı
  • {N} battle: pitched battle
yıllara meydan okumak
  • {ID} wear one's years well
  • {V} wear well
yolların kesiştiği meydan
  • {N} circus
hodri meydan colloq. Come and try!/I dare you!
hodri meydan konuşma dili * Come and try!/I dare you!
meydan bırakmak ·[see] "meydan vermek"
meydan bulamamak * not to find a chance (to do something).
meydan bulmak * to find an opportunity.
meydan dayağı * a public beating (given as an official punishment).
meydan dayağı çekmek * to give (an offender) a beating.