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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {V} breed, bring up, coach, cradle, cultivate, discipline, educate, farm, groom, grow, nurture, produce, raise, rear, rush, school, train, turn out
1. /ı, a/ to get (someone, something) to (a place) in time.
2. /ı, a/ to have (one person) catch up with (another).
3. /ı, a/ to get (something) done or ready in time for.
4. /ı, a/ to bring (one person) to the aid of (another) in time.
5. /ı, a/ to make (one thing) reach (another): İpi o ağaca yetiştiremiyorum. I can´t make the rope reach that tree.
6. /ı/ to make (something) suffice.
7. /ı/ to raise (children, animals, plants).
8. /ı/ to train (animals).
9. /ı/ to educate.
10. /ı, a/ to enable (someone) to live long enough to know (someone, something); to enable (someone) to be born early enough to know (someone, something).
11. /ı, a/ to tell (someone) (something that he wasn´t meant to hear).
yetiştirmek * to get (someone/something) to (a place) in time. * to have (one person) catch up with (another). * to get (something) done/ready in time for. * to bring (one person) to the aid of (another) in time. * to make (one thing) reach (another). * to make (something) suffice. * to raise (children/animals/plants). * to train (animals). * to educate. * to enable (someone) to live long enough to know (someone/something); to enable (someone) to be born early enough to know (someone/something). * to tell (someone) (something that he/she wasn't meant to hear).
yetiştirmek breed
yetiştirmek coach

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
iyi çiçek yetiştirmek
  • {ID} finger: have green fingers, thumb: have green thumb
gelişigüzel yetiştirmek
  • {V} drag up
hastaneye yetiştirmek
  • {V} rush smb. to the hospital
melez olarak yetiştirmek
  • {V} hybridize
özenle yetiştirmek
  • {V} cocker up
serada yetiştirmek
  • {V} force
şerbetçiotu yetiştirmek
  • {V} hop
çocuk yetiştirmek * to bring up children.
haber yetiştirmek * to get the news or a message to (a place) on time.
laf yetiştirmek * to reply quickly and in kind, promptly to give as good as one gets. * (for a child) to talk back to, sass (an older person).
üzerinde yetiştirmek bed
gelişigüzel yetiştirmek drag up v.
hastaneye yetiştirmek rush smb. to the hospital v.
iyi çiçek yetiştirmek have green fingers, have green thumb
melez olarak yetiştirmek hybridize v.
özenle yetiştirmek cocker up v.
serada yetiştirmek force v.
şerbetçiotu yetiştirmek hop v.