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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
çok tahrik etmek
  • {V} over-excite
çok tahrik etmek over excite v.

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
tahrik etmek
  • {V} turn on, seduce, excite, provoke, incite, instigate, agitate, egg, egg on, fan, ferment, hound, hound on, irritate, jockey into, move, rough the wrong way, rouse, solicit, stimulate, sting, stir up, whet, whip up, wind up, work up
tahrik etmek
1. excite. incite. provoke. rouse. stimulate.
tahrik etmek * to incite, provoke, instigate, foment. * to move, set in motion; to drive, propel. * to excite, stimulate, arouse (especially used of sexual excitement).
tahrik etmek excite
tahrik etmek incite
tahrik etmek provoke
tahrik etmek rouse
tahrik etmek stimulate
tahrik etmek turn on, seduce, excite, provoke, incite, instigate, agitate, egg, egg on, fan, ferment, hound, hound on, irritate, jockey into, move, rough the wrong way, rouse, solicit, stimulate, sting, stir up, whet, whip up, wind up, work up v.