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Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
  • {V} breed, bring up, coach, cradle, cultivate, discipline, educate, farm, groom, grow, nurture, produce, raise, rear, rush, school, train, turn out
1. /ı, a/ to get (someone, something) to (a place) in time.
2. /ı, a/ to have (one person) catch up with (another).
3. /ı, a/ to get (something) done or ready in time for.
4. /ı, a/ to bring (one person) to the aid of (another) in time.
5. /ı, a/ to make (one thing) reach (another): İpi o ağaca yetiştiremiyorum. I can´t make the rope reach that tree.
6. /ı/ to make (something) suffice.
7. /ı/ to raise (children, animals, plants).
8. /ı/ to train (animals).
9. /ı/ to educate.
10. /ı, a/ to enable (someone) to live long enough to know (someone, something); to enable (someone) to be born early enough to know (someone, something).
11. /ı, a/ to tell (someone) (something that he wasn´t meant to hear).
yetiştirmek * to get (someone/something) to (a place) in time. * to have (one person) catch up with (another). * to get (something) done/ready in time for. * to bring (one person) to the aid of (another) in time. * to make (one thing) reach (another). * to make (something) suffice. * to raise (children/animals/plants). * to train (animals). * to educate. * to enable (someone) to live long enough to know (someone/something); to enable (someone) to be born early enough to know (someone/something). * to tell (someone) (something that he/she wasn't meant to hear).
yetiştirmek breed
yetiştirmek coach

Türkçe » Fransızca İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
yetiştirmek faire atteindre, faire rattraper, faire parvenir, faire suffire, élever, éduquer, cultiver, exercer, instruire, nourrir, produire

Türkçe » Almanca İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
  • {V} anbauen, anpflanzen, erziehen, gewinnen, großziehen, heranbilden, heranziehen, nachbringen
yetiştirmek ziehen, abrichten, anbauen, aufziehen, ausbilden, erziehen, großziehen, heranbilden, heranziehen, züchten; (laf) zutragen
yetiştirmek züchten; erzeugen; ausbilden; dressieren.
yetiştirmek anbauen
yetiştirmek aufbringen

Türkçe » Rusça İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
  • {V} доставлять, доставать, сообщать, воспитывать, пестовать, растить, выхаживать, выращивать, разводить, выводить, возделывать, подготавливать, поставлять, успевать, доставить, достать, сообщить, воспитать, вырастить, вывести, возделать, подготовить, поставить, успеть

Türkçe » İspanyolca İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
yetiştirmek educar, criar, amaestrar; cultivar

Türkçe » İtalyanca İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
yetiştirmek addestrare, allevare, formare, produrre

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