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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Anglo- A combining form meaning the same as English; or English and, or English conjoined with; as, Anglo-Turkish treaty, Anglo-German, Anglo-Irish.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Anglo-Catholic Of or pertaining to a church modeled on the English Reformation; Anglican; -- sometimes restricted to the ritualistic or High Church section of the Church of England. a.
Anglo-Catholic A member of the Church of England who contends for its catholic character; more specifically, a High Churchman. n.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
A Saxon of Britain, that is, an English Saxon, or one the Saxons who settled in England, as distinguished from a continental (or "Old") Saxon.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
The Teutonic people (Angles, Saxons, Jutes) of England, or the English people, collectively, before the Norman Conquest.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
The language of the English people before the Conquest (sometimes called Old English). See Saxon.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
One of the race or people who claim descent from the Saxons, Angles, or other Teutonic tribes who settled in England; a person of English descent in its broadest sense.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
Of or pertaining to the Anglo-Saxons or their language.
Anglo-Saxondom The Anglo-Saxon domain (i. e., Great Britain and the United States, etc.); the Anglo-Saxon race. n.
Anglo-Saxonism A characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race; especially, a word or an idiom of the Anglo-Saxon tongue. n.
Anglo-Saxonism The quality or sentiment of being Anglo-Saxon, or English in its ethnological sense. n.