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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
A Saxon of Britain, that is, an English Saxon, or one the Saxons who settled in England, as distinguished from a continental (or "Old") Saxon.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
The Teutonic people (Angles, Saxons, Jutes) of England, or the English people, collectively, before the Norman Conquest.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
The language of the English people before the Conquest (sometimes called Old English). See Saxon.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
One of the race or people who claim descent from the Saxons, Angles, or other Teutonic tribes who settled in England; a person of English descent in its broadest sense.
Anglo-Saxon Dinle!
Of or pertaining to the Anglo-Saxons or their language.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Anglo- A combining form meaning the same as English; or English and, or English conjoined with; as, Anglo-Turkish treaty, Anglo-German, Anglo-Irish.
Anglo-Catholic Of or pertaining to a church modeled on the English Reformation; Anglican; -- sometimes restricted to the ritualistic or High Church section of the Church of England. a.
Anglo-Catholic A member of the Church of England who contends for its catholic character; more specifically, a High Churchman. n.
Anglo-Saxondom The Anglo-Saxon domain (i. e., Great Britain and the United States, etc.); the Anglo-Saxon race. n.
Anglo-Saxonism A characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon race; especially, a word or an idiom of the Anglo-Saxon tongue. n.
Anglo-Saxonism The quality or sentiment of being Anglo-Saxon, or English in its ethnological sense. n.
Saxon Dinle!
One of a nation or people who formerly dwelt in the northern part of Germany, and who, with other Teutonic tribes, invaded and conquered England in the fifth and sixth centuries.
Saxon Dinle!
Also used in the sense of Anglo-Saxon.
Saxon Dinle!
A native or inhabitant of modern Saxony.
Saxon Dinle!
The language of the Saxons; Anglo-Saxon.
Saxon Dinle!
Of or pertaining to the Saxons, their country, or their language.
Saxon Dinle!
Saxon Dinle!
Of or pertaining to Saxony or its inhabitants.
Semi-Saxon Half Saxon; -- specifically applied to the language intermediate between Saxon and English, belonging to the period 1150-1250. a.