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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Force Dinle!
To stuff; to lard; to farce.
v. t.
Force Dinle!
A waterfall; a cascade.
Force Dinle!
Strength or energy of body or mind; active power; vigor; might; often, an unusual degree of strength or energy; capacity of exercising an influence or producing an effect; especially, power to persuade, or convince, or impose obligation; pertinency; validity; special signification; as, the force of an appeal, an argument, a contract, or a term.
Force Dinle!
Power exerted against will or consent; compulsory power; violence; coercion.
Force Dinle!
Strength or power for war; hence, a body of land or naval combatants, with their appurtenances, ready for action; -- an armament; troops; warlike array; -- often in the plural; hence, a body of men prepared for action in other ways; as, the laboring force of a plantation.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Force pump A pump having a solid piston, or plunger, for drawing and forcing a liquid, as water, through the valves; in distinction from a pump having a bucket, or valved piston.
Force pump A pump adapted for delivering water at a considerable height above the pump, or under a considerable pressure; in distinction from one which lifts the water only to the top of the pump or delivers it through a spout. See Illust. of Plunger pump, under Plunger.