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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Hunger-starve To starve with hunger; to famish. v. t.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Starve Dinle!
To die; to perish.
v. i.
Starve Dinle!
To perish with hunger; to suffer extreme hunger or want; to be very indigent.
v. i.
Starve Dinle!
To perish or die with cold.
v. i.
Starve Dinle!
To destroy with cold.
v. t.
Starve Dinle!
To kill with hunger; as, maliciously to starve a man is, in law, murder.
v. t.
Starve Dinle!
To distress or subdue by famine; as, to starvea garrison into a surrender.
v. t.
Starve Dinle!
To destroy by want of any kind; as, to starve plans by depriving them of proper light and air.
v. t.
Starve Dinle!
To deprive of force or vigor; to disable.
v. t.
Hunger Dinle!
An uneasy sensation occasioned normally by the want of food; a craving or desire for food.
Hunger Dinle!
Any strong eager desire.
Hunger Dinle!
To feel the craving or uneasiness occasioned by want of food; to be oppressed by hunger.
Hunger Dinle!
To have an eager desire; to long.
Hunger Dinle!
To make hungry; to famish.
v. t.
Hunger-bit Alt. of Hunger-bitten a.
Hunger-bitten Pinched or weakened by hunger. a.