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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Pseudo-bulb An aerial corm, or thickened stem, as of some epiphytic orchidaceous plants. n.

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Bulb Dinle!
A spheroidal body growing from a plant either above or below the ground (usually below), which is strictly a bud, consisting of a cluster of partially developed leaves, and producing, as it grows, a stem above, and roots below, as in the onion, tulip, etc. It differs from a corm in not being solid.
Bulb Dinle!
A name given to some parts that resemble in shape certain bulbous roots; as, the bulb of the aorta.
Bulb Dinle!
An expansion or protuberance on a stem or tube, as the bulb of a thermometer, which may be of any form, as spherical, cylindrical, curved, etc.
Bulb Dinle!
To take the shape of a bulb; to swell.
v. i.
Pseudo- A combining form or prefix signifying false, counterfeit, pretended, spurious; as, pseudo-apostle, a false apostle; pseudo-clergy, false or spurious clergy; pseudo-episcopacy, pseudo-form, pseudo-martyr, pseudo-philosopher. Also used adjectively.
Pseudo-china The false china root, a plant of the genus Smilax (S. Pseudo-china), found in America. n.
Pseudo-cone One of the soft gelatinous cones found in the compound eyes of certain insects, taking the place of the crystalline cones of others. n.
Pseudo-cumene A hydrocarbon of the aromatic series, metameric with mesitylene and cumene, found in coal tar, and obtained as a colorless liquid. n.
Pseudo-dipteral Falsely or imperfectly dipteral, as a temple with the inner range of columns surrounding the cella omitted, so that the space between the cella wall and the columns is very great, being equal to two intercolumns and one column. a.
Pseudo-dipteral A pseudo-dipteral temple. n.
Pseudo-galena False galena, or blende. See Blende (a). n.
Pseudo-heart Any contractile vessel of invertebrates which is not of the nature of a real heart, especially one of those pertaining to the excretory system. n.
Pseudo-hyperthophic Falsely hypertrophic; as, pseudo-hypertrophic paralysis, a variety of paralysis in which the muscles are apparently enlarged, but are really degenerated and replaced by fat. a.
Pseudo-metallic Falsely or imperfectly metallic; -- said of a kind of luster, as in minerals. a.
Pseudo-monocotyledonous Having two coalescent cotyledons, as the live oak and the horse-chestnut. a.
Pseudo-romantic Falsely romantic. a.
Pseudo-symmetric Exhibiting pseudo-symmetry. a.
Pseudo-symmetry A kind of symmetry characteristic of certain crystals which from twinning, or other causes, come to resemble forms of a system other than that to which they belong, as the apparently hexagonal prisms of aragonite. n.