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İngilizce » İngilizce Yukarı
Slam-bang With great violence; with a slamming or banging noise. adv.

İngilizce » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
Bang Dinle!
To beat, as with a club or cudgel; to treat with violence; to handle roughly.
v. t.
Bang Dinle!
To beat or thump, or to cause ( something) to hit or strike against another object, in such a way as to make a loud noise; as, to bang a drum or a piano; to bang a door (against the doorpost or casing) in shutting it.
v. t.
Bang Dinle!
To make a loud noise, as if with a blow or succession of blows; as, the window blind banged and waked me; he was banging on the piano.
v. i.
Bang Dinle!
A blow as with a club; a heavy blow.
Bang Dinle!
The sound produced by a sudden concussion.
Bang Dinle!
To cut squarely across, as the tail of a hors, or the forelock of human beings; to cut (the hair).
v. t.
Bang Dinle!
The short, front hair combed down over the forehead, esp. when cut squarely across; a false front of hair similarly worn.
Bang Dinle!
Alt. of Bangue
Slam Dinle!
To shut with force and a loud noise; to bang; as, he slammed the door.
v. t.
Slam Dinle!
To put in or on some place with force and loud noise; -- usually with down; as, to slam a trunk down on the pavement.
v. t.
Slam Dinle!
To strike with some implement with force; hence, to beat or cuff.
v. t.
Slam Dinle!
To strike down; to slaughter.
v. t.
Slam Dinle!
To defeat (opponents at cards) by winning all the tricks of a deal or a hand.
v. t.
Slam Dinle!
To come or swing against something, or to shut, with sudden force so as to produce a shock and noise; as, a door or shutter slams.
v. i.
Slam Dinle!
The act of one who, or that which, slams.
Slam Dinle!
The shock and noise produced in slamming.
Slam Dinle!
Winning all the tricks of a deal.
Slam Dinle!
The refuse of alum works.