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İngilizce » Türkçe Yukarı
aba i. aba.
aba aba.

Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
1. strong coarse wool cloth.
2. cloak or coat made of this cloth, aba.
3. cloak (worn by dervishes).
4. made of coarse wool cloth.

aba altından değnek göstermek to show the iron hand beneath the velvet glove, speak softly but carry a big stick.

aba gibi coarse (cloth).

abayı sermek /a/ to make oneself at home (in), move in on (somebody).

aba terlik slippers made of coarse cloth.

abayı yakmak /a/ colloq. to fall desperately in love, be infatuated (with).

abası yanık
1. man who is head over heels in love.
2. besotted (lover).
aba * strong coarse wool cloth. * cloak or coat made of this cloth, aba. * cloak (worn by dervishes).
aba strong coarse wool cloth; coat made of this cloth; cloak, cover, conceal n.