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Türkçe » İngilizce Yukarı
  • {A} executive
  • {N} execution, levy, performing
1. carrying out, doing, performance.
2. law execution, carrying out, fulfillment (of a decision or decree).
3. law court dealing with debt or bankruptcy cases.
4. mus. performance.

icra dairesi law court dealing with debt or bankruptcy cases.

icra etmek /ı/
1. to carry out, do, perform.
2. law to execute, carry out, fulfill (a decision or decree).
3. to perform (a piece of music).

icra heyeti
1. executive board, executive committee.
2. group of musicians.

icra kuvveti executive power.

icra memuru official who supervises the collection of debts.

icrayı sanat etmek
1. to give a performance, perform.
2. (for an artist) to produce a work of art, create.
3. (usually jocular) to be engaged in one´s work; to do one´s job, work at one´s job; to practice one´s trade or profession.

icraya vermek /ı / to take ( a debtor) to court.
icra * carrying out, doing, performance. hukuk * execution, carrying out, fulfillment (of a decision/decree). hukuk * court dealing with debt or bankruptcy cases. müzik * performance.
icra execution
icra performance

Türkçe » İngilizce İlişkili Sonuçlar Yukarı
cebri icra
  • {N} foreclosure
füg icra etmek
  • {V} fugue
icra eden kimse
  • {N} executant
icra emri
  • {N} writ of execution
icra etme
  • {N} rendition
icra etmek
  • {V} ply
icra etmek (meslek)
  • {V} profess
icra kararı
  • {N} receiving order
icra memuru
  • {N} bailiff, receiver
iflas sonucu icra kararı
  • {N} receiving order
icra etmek
1. execute. fill. perform. render.
icra etmek * to carry out, do, perform. hukuk * to execute, carry out, fulfill (a decision/decree). * to perform (a piece of music).
icra heyeti * executive board, executive committee. * group of musicians.
icra memuru * official who supervises the collection of debts.
n.icra:v.ver:prep.vererek rendering
resmen icra et solemnize
fren icra kablosu brake actuating cable
icra etmek execute
icra etmek fill
icra etmek perform