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English » Turkish Top
pence Hear! {pens}
  • {N} peni, sent
pence bak. penny.
pence i. İng., çoğ., bak. penny.
pence pence pens İsim, British, plural ·[bakınız] "penny"
pence (bak.) penny.

Turkish » English Top
  • {N} paw, claw, talon, pounce, clutch, clutches
  • {N} fang
1. paw; claw.
2. clutches; grip.
3. sole (of a shoe).

pençe atmak /a/
1. to try to lay hands on, try to seize.
2. (for an animal) to strike or strike at (someone, something) with its paw, claw, or talons.

pençesine düşmek /ın/ to fall into the clutches of (someone).

pençe pençe (cheeks) suffused with red.

pençe vurmak /a/ to sole (a shoe).
pençe * paw; claw. * clutches; grip. * sole (of a shoe).
pençe talon

Turkish » English Indirect results Top
el pençe divan
  • {A} hand and foot
el pençe divan durmak
  • {V} kotow, kowtow, stand ready receive orders
pençe atmak
  • {V} claw, paw
pençe (ayakkabı)
  • {N} cleat, tap
pençe (kuş)
  • {N} talon, pounce
pençe vurmak
  • {V} cobble, sole
pençe vurmak (ayakkabı)
  • {V} tap
pençe yapılmış
  • {A} resoled
pençe yapmak
  • {V} resole
el pençe divan durmak to stand respectfully with hands folded in front of oneself; to stand ready to receive orders.
el pençe divan durmak * to stand respectfully with hands folded in front of oneself; to stand ready to receive orders.
gizli pençe ayakkabıcılık * half sole.
pençe atmak * to try to lay hands on, try to seize. * (for an animal) to strike/strike at (someone/something) with its paw/claw/talons.
pençe pençe * (cheeks) suffused with red.
pençe vurmak * to sole (a shoe).
v.tırmala:n.pençe claw
pençe gibi clawlike
gizli pençe half sole
v.pençele:n.pençe paw
v.pençe vur:adj.tek sole